The Craft & Carry Tote is pretty amazing1
I received mine the other day and I’m blown away by the quality and all the options.
It features a canvas bag with two carrying straps that make it easy to pack supplies. The tote includes interior repositionable inserts so you can rearrange carrying space to accommodate all your favorite products.
The Craft & Carry Tote will only be available during Sale-A-Bration.
It is being offered to new demonstrators as one of the options for joining during Sale-A-Bration (Jan-Mar).
Did you catch that you receive the bag in Option 2 for only $30 and that’s in addition to $75 in free product and free shipping when you join during Sale-A-Bration!
Whether you want to start a business or want to just enjoy the discount for your own crafting, it really is the best time to join!
Check out the video below for a closer look at the Craft & Carry Tote and get ready to join as a demonstrator January 3rd!