Sale-A-Bration Online Host Club Jan-Mar 2019

Today I’m introducing my Sale-A-Bration Online Host Club that will run January to March 2019.

A Host Club is a great way to grab items on your wish list while benefiting from Hostess Rewards.

How does it work?
Simply put – You place an order at a minimum amount during January, February, and March 2019.  One of those months you will receive the designed Hostess Rewards…FREE product!

Each month I will also mail you the makings for two unique cards and e-mail you a PDF file with instructions.

Silver Host Club:
For the Silver Host Club, you agree to purchase a minimum of $50 during January, February, and March.  In doing so, you will earn one Level 1 free Sale-A-Bration item each month and receive a free $8.50 item from me.

One of those months you will receive the hostess rewards of a minimum of $15 in free product.

Gold Host Club:
For the Gold Host Club, you agree to purchase a minimum of $85 during January, February, and March.  In doing so, you will earn one Level 1 free Sale-A-Bration item each month and receive a free $10 item from me.

One of those months you will receive the hostess rewards of a minimum of $50 in free product.

More details:
Your order will need to be placed by the 10th of each month using the assigned host code which will be e-mailed to you.

When it’s your month to receive the hostess benefits, you are welcome to gather other orders to help you earn even more in free product!

To join, just fill out the form below and be sure to indicate which club you are signing up for:

Choose an Online Host Club:

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